Hmm, it's an interesting story...
Gen Kanai weblog: Japanese can't learn EnglishBottom line? I don't think most Japanese really care to learn English more than they have to. They don't need to. Life is fine with rudimentary "Engrish." If it really mattered, then I think the tide would change...
I believe that the big problem is education system. Junior-high and high-school english education is for only examinations to pass. Reading and writing are important but commucation basis like speaking and hearing is not.
Basically, some english-speaking japanese are ruling japan. That's why they don't hope many people get to speak english. Speaking-english is a kind of special ability at least until a decade ago. They can get a good paid, they can be promoted faster then non-english-speaking japanese while it happens in japanese goverment. I know many alumni of Tokyo University that is well-known as the highest university in japan cannot speak english. It is the result of english education system in Japan.
Do not blame education system. Education system change takes a lot of time but our mind can change at once. Just learn English.
極端な答えは 否 です。
日本には外国語より優先的に学ぶ必要のある、伝統や文化や技術が存在します。 そしてそれらは外貨も稼ぐ事が出来ます。
一定の技術がある上で英語を習得する事は必要です。 しかしここ最近英語が出来る、言い換えれば英語以外の特技がない人が増えており、我々の頭を悩ます事が多くなってきているのは事実でしょう。
英語に限らず習得するのに必死になる必要が有るか無いか。 これが大きな別れ目です。
Noma-san, thank you for the link and trackback.
I agree the education system is a key problem, but to me, that is a symptom, not a cause. Yes, the government does not stress English enough. But look how far Japan has come with poor English! In 50 years to go from losing WWII to becoming the second most powerful economy. All without good English.
It makes me wonder where Japan would be today if the English level was better. I think that Japan would be even more competitive, more powerful, etc.